
Buddha Candle

Birthing Buddha from a Chocolate Mold

You’ve landed on the website for Beeall Designs.   At Beeall Designs wax from Bay Area Hives, become candles.  I use sunlight, fire and cheesecloth to separate wax from honey.  I create molds and also use commercial molds to shape my candles.  

Candles are available for sale.  Please send inquiries to mbiyal@gmail.com

I have educational presentations.  I can offer your event or classroom a demonstration of candle pouring and explain how wax is rendered from the hive to candle.

From Hive to Candle

Bee All You Can Bee,



3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Michelle,
    Thank you for the lovely candles! We are enjoying them right now! They smell so good and are hecka bright! Thank you for the help also with the hot tub installation party….will let you know when it’s hot and running!

    Crystal & Tom

  2. That heron–must be the loveliest candle I’ve ever see, and–Mead? That sounded so magnificent, when I heard of my cousin making it by some ancient recipe, up north of you.
    Did not know there was more. It begins to sound very enticing—
    It’s very kind of you to carry the SG link. What a great blog neighbor to have.
    I know I need to do some housekeeping of my pages, and shake things up a little . . .

    (Thank you–)

  3. Pingback: The Honeycomb Thief | Secret Gardener

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Beeall Designs

Beeswax Candles, Stencils